Coated prints
November 16, 2020
Although we think our materials, and the prints you make with them, already look amazing it never hurts to experiment with some post-processing techniques. In the past we have looked at post-processing our bronzeFill (link), co-polyester secondary operations (link) and painting nGen (link). Today we look at the results when one applies special coating to PLA Economy prints.
Veracious is a Dutch wholesaler of exclusive finishes and coatings. Together we decided to give their special coatings a try on our PLA Economy material.

Deadpool and Jon Snow, both designs by David Östman.
The results speak for themselves, the liquid metal coatings are absolutley stunning and transform any standard plastic looking part into convincing metal look objects.
This finishing looks especially good on busts and statues.

A close look at how a statue can look
Interested in what Veracious has to offer? Check out their website!
Both designs were made by the incredibly talented David Östman, aka Eastman. He has been designing for over a decade and his work - which mostly consists of superheroes and other pop culture icons - is simply stunning. Hit the link below to see the amazing designs he has made on MyMiniFactory.
From plastic to metal...

The original print of the "Merc with the Mouth" (Deadpool) above and the metal version below.

Jon Snow, knower of nothing, going from plain white to a stunning new look.