Looking to light weight your giant 3D printed parts? Or want to reduce your print time by printing bigger layerheights or thicker layerwidths?
Our Compound LW-PLA uses a foaming agent to achieve lightweight parts unlike any standard FGF material. During extrusion the material will start to foam depending on the temperature, speed and layerheight which is used.
Fully foamed the material has a really nice matte surface finish. Our Compound LW-PLA is natural, meaning no added colors, so you can add your own masterbatch.
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Looking to light weight your giant 3D printed parts? Or want to reduce your print time by printing bigger layerheights or thicker layerwidths?
Our Compound LW-PLA uses a foaming agent to achieve lightweight parts unlike any standard FGF material. During extrusion the material will start to foam depending on the temperature, speed and layerheight which is used.
Fully foamed the material has a really nice matte surface finish. Our Compound LW-PLA is natural, meaning no added colors, so you can add your own masterbatch.